Japan Permanent Residence Acquisition Support

In preparation for unforeseen circumstances, inquiries about obtaining permanent residency are increasing.

Real estate investment for overseas wealthy people (support for obtaining permanent residence)

By investing in real estate, it is now possible to obtain permanent residence in Japan in as little as 1 to 3 years, which previously took about 10 years.
Real estate investment in Japan is becoming more active thanks to the weaker yen.
We introduce real estate investment in Japan to wealthy people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other Asian countries.

Advantages of Obtaining Japanese Permanent Residence

It will be possible to open an account at a Japanese financial institution.

It will be possible to obtain low-interest loans in Japan from Japanese financial institutions.

You will be able to obtain a high-status class credit card.

Japan's insurance system will become compatible. (Social insurance system/National insurance system)

Insurance treatment will be available at Japanese medical institutions. (Insurance coverage: 30% of medical costs will be covered)

It will be possible to live in Japan with peace of mind (you can live in a safe and secure Japan)

You can enjoy delicious and safe Japanese food.

It will be possible to work in Japan.

It will be possible to obtain various licenses in Japan.

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